Dead Sea
Salts from Israel
A lot of people have heard that there are major advantages to using Dead Sea salts from Israel.
The problem however is that, not a lot of these people know exactly what they should be buying as there are so many
types of salt.
If you need Dead Sea salts from Israel due to their high health and energy impact, what you are looking for is
known as Ormus. It has very many minerals that are good for your body and mind.
The manufactures distill the rich sea water leaving behind the salts.
Full of Magnesium, Calcium and a host of other minerals your body needs, the Dead Sea salts from Israel are the
best way to get your Ormus.
You can then use it in your food by using the Ormus Oil process, healing baths or even oils. Before you head out to
buy sea salts, make sure you confirm that it is Ormus and even better, from Israel.
Ormus Minerals Nutrition Formulas